The SGM706S is an integrated microprocessor supervisory device. Compared with the design using a single IC or discrete components, this integration design has the advantage of improving system stability and accuracy. The SGM706S can be reset under power-up, power-down or even voltage reduction brownout conditions. When VCC is as low as 1V, the reset output can still operate. And it also has a low-level active manual reset nMR function.
The SGM706S provides an independent watchdog monitoring circuit, which is activated when its WDI input has not toggled for more than 1.68s.
When the power supply fails, the battery power is low, or the additional power supply needs to be monitored, it can be realized by the 1.25V threshold detector of the SGM706S.
The SGM706S is available in a Green SOIC-8 package. It operates over an junction temperature range of -40℃to +125℃.
Ultra-Low Supply Current: < 1μA (TYP)
Precision Supply-Voltage Monitor
4.63V for SGM706S-L
4.38V for SGM706S-M
4.0V for SGM706S-J
3.08V for SGM706S-T
2.93V for SGM706S-S
2.63V for SGM706S-R
2.32V for SGM706S-Z
1.63V for SGM706S-X
Guaranteed nRESET Valid at VCC = 1V
210ms Reset Pulse Width
Debounced TTL/CMOS-Compatible
Manual Reset Input
Watchdog Timer with 1.68s Timeout
Voltage Monitor for Power-Fail or Low-Battery Warning
-40℃ to +125℃ Operating Temperature Range
Available in a Green SOIC-8 Package
Battery-Powered Applications
Portable Equipment
Automotive Equipment
Safety Systems
Intelligent Instruments
Critical μC Power Monitoring
Microprocessor Systems
Part Number | Status | Package | Pins | Pd-Free | RoHS | REACH | Green | MSL Rating | Operating Temperature Range | Material Content | Reliability Report | Unit Resale Price* (Volume Range: in USD) | Lead Time** (Volume Range: Days) | |
SGM706S-JXS8G/TR | 量产 | SOIC-8 | 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSL2 | -40℃ to +125℃ | 查看 | 查看 | |||
SGM706S-LXS8G/TR | 量产 | SOIC-8 | 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSL2 | -40℃ to +125℃ | 查看 | 查看 | |||
SGM706S-MXS8G/TR | 量产 | SOIC-8 | 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSL2 | -40℃ to +125℃ | 查看 | 查看 | 1-24 units : $0.84/unit 25-99 units : $0.72/unit 100-249 units : $0.6/unit 250-499 units : $0.48/unit 500-999 units : $0.42/unit 1000-9999 units : $0.312/unit | 3K-9K : 14 days 10K-99K : 35 days 100K-999K : 70 days 1000K and above : 91 days | |
SGM706S-RXS8G/TR | 量产 | SOIC-8 | 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSL2 | -40℃ to +125℃ | 查看 | 查看 | 1-24 units : $0.84/unit 25-99 units : $0.72/unit 100-249 units : $0.6/unit 250-499 units : $0.48/unit 500-999 units : $0.42/unit 1000-9999 units : $0.312/unit | 3K-9K : 14 days 10K-99K : 35 days 100K-999K : 70 days 1000K and above : 91 days | |
SGM706S-SXS8G/TR | 量产 | SOIC-8 | 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | -40℃ to +125℃ | 查看 | 查看 | ||||
SGM706S-TXS8G/TR | 量产 | SOIC-8 | 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSL2 | -40℃ to +125℃ | 查看 | 查看 | |||
SGM706S-XXS8G/TR | 量产 | SOIC-8 | 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSL2 | -40℃ to +125℃ | 查看 | 查看 | 1-24 units : $0.84/unit 25-99 units : $0.72/unit 100-249 units : $0.6/unit 250-499 units : $0.48/unit 500-999 units : $0.42/unit 1000-9999 units : $0.312/unit | 3K-9K : 14 days 10K-99K : 35 days 100K-999K : 70 days 1000K and above : 91 days | |
SGM706S-ZXS8G/TR | 量产 | SOIC-8 | 8 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSL2 | -40℃ to +125℃ | 查看 | 查看 |
* 价格仅供参考。请联系我们的经销商获取正式报价。
** 交货时间仅供参考,可能会根据不同情况而发生变化。