The calculation of product life
Below is the calculation process of product life under 55℃.
According to Arrhenius model:
AFT = exp((Ea/k)×(1/Tu - 1/Ts)) = tu/ts
AFT = Acceleration factor due to
tu = Time at use temperature (e.g. 55°C)
ts = Time at stress temperature (e.g. 150°C)
k = Boltzmann's Constant (8.617 x 10-5 eV/°K)
Tu = Temperature at Use (°K)
Ts = Temperature at Stress (°K)
Ea = Activation Energy (e.g. 0.7 ev)
X² = Chi Squared Distribution, value depends on number of failures and confidence interval
TDH (Total Device Hours) = Number tested × Test hours
The failure rateλ is calculated by using the formula:
λ = [X² /(2×TDH ×AFT)] ×109
MTTF (Mean Time to Failure) = 1/λ
MTBF: Mean time between failure, is the expected time between two successive failures of a system. Therefor, MTBF is a key reliability matric for a system that can be repaired or restored.
MTTF: Mean time to failure, is the expected time to failure of a system. Non-repaired systems can fail only once. Therefore, MTTF is equivalent to the mean of its failure time distribution.
MTTR: Mean to Restoration.
MTTF =∑T1/ N
MTTR =∑(T2+T3)/ N
MTBF =∑(T2+T3+T1)/ N
For non-repairable system, MTBF=MTTF.