
Which factors will affect product shelf life? How does SGMICRO evaluate it?

The shelf life mainly depends on factors such as the materials used, manufacturing conditions, the moisture barrier bags used for packaging, the amount of desiccant used, and storage conditions.

SGMICRO regularly selects various products stored for three years and five years or longer for comprehensive verification. No abnormalities have been found in these products stored under normal conditions. The selected products cover different package types, package structures, production sites, material types, and moisture sensitivity levels. Verification conditions include the ESD capability of packaging materials, carrier tape adhesion, product appearance, solder ability, electrical performance, and reliability.

SGマイクロ社(SGMICRO)は、高性能、高信頼性のアナログ信号処理およびシステム電源管理集積回路の開発、製造、販売に注力しています。 産業オートメーション、新エネルギー、自動車、通信、コンピュータ、民生用電子機器、医療機器アプリケーション向けに、さまざまなアナログ信号調節と革新的な電源ソリューションを提供しています。
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