


Dual Bidirectional I<sup>2</sup>C Bus and SMBus Voltage-Level Translator

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The SGM4551B is a 2-bit, SMbus, dual, bidirectional, I2C voltage translator with the ability of enable (EN) function. For VREF1, the typical operation range is from 1.2V to 3.3V and the typical operation for VREF2 is from 1.8V to 5.5V.

The signal can be transmitted bilaterally from 1.2V to 5V. The propagation delay is significant small as the low on-resistance of SGM4551B. Also, if the EN pin is in high position, the voltage translator is transparent and then it allows the connection between SCL1 and SCL2, SDA1 and SDA2 respectively. In addition, in this state, the transmitting direction is bidirectional. However, the transmitting will be suspended if the EN pin is in low state as the high-impedance property at this moment.

For the applications, the connections of the devices and bus length are limited as the 400pF capacitance of the bus pin. However, SGM4551B allows the isolation between two sides of I2C bus so that more and more I2C devices can be added and connected with SGM4551B.

Two different kinds of bus frequencies are supported by SGM4551B, one is 400kHz and the other is 100kHz. Also, if two frequencies for the buses are required, the priority of 400kHz should be always higher than that of 100kHz. Because of the adding of the additional delay, the operational frequency of the device must be lower than 400kHz if the frequency of the master is equal to 400kHz.

For the application of standard I2C, the pull-up resistor is required for the logic high levels, which means that the operation for I2C in this case is open-drain. Each side of the repeater requires a pull-up resistor and the value of resistor depends on the operation of SGM4551B. Also, when multiple masters are connected with SGM4551B, the standard operation current is 3mA, and high current can be taken into account under the specific conditions.

The resistance between SDA1 and SDA2 is low when the state of them is low. However, if the state of SDA1 or SDA2 is high, the level of high position depends on the corresponding voltage reference. In the transparent mode, when the position of SDA1 is high, SDA2 must be pulled to a high level through the pull-up resistor. In addition, the transition for high and low voltage is seamless which can be selected by the users.

Because of the same electrical characteristics for all the outputs of SGM4551B, so that the deviations of the propagation delay and voltage is extremely small. In addition, this advantage is good for the transition of discrete transistors as the symmetrical switch inside SGM4551B. On top of this, SGM4551B can also provide the protection of ESD for the devices with weak ESD ability.

The SGM4551B is available in a Green SOT-23-8 and
VSSOP-8 package. It operates over an ambient temperature range of -40 to +85.

  • Bidirectional I2C Translator

  • Support I2C and SMBus Compatible

  • Propagation Delay: Less than 5.5ns

  • Acceptable Voltage Reference

    1.2V VREF1 and 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, or 5V VREF2

    1.8V VREF1 and 2.5V, 3.3V, or 5V VREF2

    2.5V VREF1 and 3.3V or 5V VREF2

    3.3V VREF1 and 5V VREF2

  • Low On-Resistance: 3.5Ω (TYP)

  • GPIO Ports with I2C Open-Drain Logic (SCL1, SDA1, SCL2 and SDA2)

  • Mixed-Mode Signal be Supported by I/O Ports with 5V Tolerant

  • When EN is Low, SGM4551B is in High-Impedance Mode

  • Lock-Up-Free Operation for Isolation when EN = Low

  • The Pinout of the Internal Material is Beneficial for PCB Layout

  • Available in a Green SOT-23-8 and
    VSSOP-8 Package

Part Number
MSL RatingOperating Temperature RangeMaterial ContentReliability Report
Unit Resale Price*
(Volume Range: in USD)
Lead Time**
(Volume Range: Days)
-40℃ to +85℃
1-24 units : $0.7/unit
25-99 units : $0.6/unit
100-249 units : $0.5/unit
250-499 units : $0.4/unit
500-999 units : $0.35/unit
1000-9999 units : $0.26/unit
3K-9K : 14 days
10K-99K : 35 days
100K-999K : 70 days
1000K and above : 91 days
-40℃ to +85℃

* 再販価格は参考価格です。正式な見積もりについては、代理店にお問い合わせください。

** 提供されるリードタイムは参考情報であり、異なる状況に応じて変更される可能性があります。

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