

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is a standardized documentation activity in the automotive industry that helps both automotive manufacturers and suppliers communicate and approve production designs in a way that ensures the consistency of quality processes.

SGMICRO provides PPAP documents in accordance with automotive industry standards for all active products that have been released to the market and are delivering to customers. All products that meet the PPAP delivery requirements are compliant with the AEC-Q100 standard proposed by Automotive Electronics Council (AEC).

PPAP Classification

PPAP can help automotive manufacturers and suppliers gain a detailed understanding of their products and product-related manufacturing processes. A PPAP document may consist of as many as 18 elements depending on the level of PPAP document requested. The following 5 levels can be supported by SGMICRO:

Level 1 – Part Submission Warrant (PSW) only

Level 2 – PSW with limited supporting data

Level 3 – PSW with complete supporting data.

Level 4 – PSW with other requirements specified by the customer

Level 5 – PSW, product samples and all supporting data are retained at the organization's manufacturing site for review

Automotive PPAP FAQs

What's PPAP?

PPAP, or Production Part Approval Process is an industry-standard process defined by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) for submitting product information to customers in the automotive industry and obtaining customer approval to ship products. PPAP will be provided to any customer who purchases published automotive products by SGMICRO.

How do I apply to SGMICRO for a PPAP?

Please apply to local sales for it.

What information do I need to apply for a PPAP?

Automotive product number

PPAP level

Customer IMDS ID and material number.

If you have other questions, please contact local sales, thanks!

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